2024 Summer Sunday School Quarter

Elective 1: "Parenting"

Teacher: Mr. Terry Johnson  Room: Telfair Hall
Subject: "Parenting"
What does the Bible say about parenting? What are the wisdom principles that should guide us? What are the firm guardrails? This course will seek to promote our view of and our vision for parenting according to the law and wisdom of the word of God.

Elective 2: "Introduction to the Reformation"

Teacher: Mr. Matthew Burt  Room: Whitaker, 1st Floor
Subject: "Introduction to the Reformation"
We are children of the Reformation of the sixteenth century, heirs of that great recovery of the truths of God’s grace. This course will introduce the primary issues and leaders in Germany, Switzerland, and Britain that made up this mighty movement of God.

Elective 3: "Why the Church?"

Teacher: Mr. Tim Shaw  Room: Whitaker, 2nd Floor
Subject: "Why the Church?"
What does the Bible say about the church? How ought we to think about church? What do we believe about the church? This course will seek to elucidate our ecclesiology, our doctrine of the church.

College Class

Teacher: Mr. Evan Gear  Room: Parlor, Hull St. Bldg.
Subject: "The Short Books"
There are a number of books in the Bible which do not get a lot of attention. This is particularly the case when it comes to the shortest books, namely Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude. This summer we will give them the attention which all of God's word deserves and in the end we will be able to say that we studied not one but 5 books together this quarter.

Combined High School and Middle School Class

Teacher: Mr. Alex Sutherland  Room: Whitaker, 3rd Floor
Subject: "Exodus: Redemption for God’s Glory"
While we know that all of God’s word is inspired, there are certain books that have a monumental role in the Bible. One of those is the book of Exodus. It contains a picture of God’s great work of salvation in redeeming his people from slavery. This summer we will do an overview study of the book of Exodus and will seek to learn more about God’s sovereign salvation of sinners and what it means for us to be his redeemed people.

Children's Sunday School

Theme: God Keeps His Promises-Learning about God Through His Faithfulness to His Old Testament People
Teachers: Miss Kirstie Brodmann, Mrs. Claire Webb

Theme:  God Keeps His Promises-Learning about God Through His Faithfulness to His Old Testament People
Teachers: Mrs. Kay Dean, Miss Linden Helmly

1st/2nd Grade
Theme: Growing in God: Learning with the Israelites about Trusting and Obeying God
Teachers: Mrs. Sue Hinely, Mrs. Katherine Marie Schenk

3rd/4th Grade
Theme: Trusting God: Finding Out the Greatness and Goodness of our Heavenly Savior
Teachers: Dr. and Mrs. Mark Dusek

5th Grade
Theme: Genesis: A Survey of Creation, the Fall, the flood, the Abrahamic covenant, the patriarchs, and Joseph
Teachers: Mr. and Mrs. David Wade