Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, Serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
ROMANS 12:10-13
If you are a woman and a member of IPC, then you are a member of our Women of the Church ministry (WOC). God has sovereignly placed each one of us together in this church at this point in time for his purposes. We cannot be complete without the participation of every one of us. Our desire is that each woman would grow in her devotion to Christ and find her own particular place in this covenant community.
We want to encourage unity among all the women of I.P.C. We have unity in Christ. As Christians, we are one with Him and one with each other in Him. Our unity is not based on outward or earthly things. We must recognize this unity and work hard to maintain it, expressing care and compassion for each other.
We are not a women’s club. This is the church. We see ourselves as part of the whole ministry of this body of believers. We are dedicated to the total ministry of the church and gladly work in support of the leadership of IPC. We are not program or personality driven. We are guided in what we do by scriptural principles that speak to the role of women in the church. Our earnest desire is to fulfill God’s design for us and his church.
Have you found your niche in our Women of the Church ministry? We are not complete without everyone’s participation!
We want to encourage unity among all the women of I.P.C. We have unity in Christ. As Christians, we are one with Him and one with each other in Him. Our unity is not based on outward or earthly things. We must recognize this unity and work hard to maintain it, expressing care and compassion for each other.
We are not a women’s club. This is the church. We see ourselves as part of the whole ministry of this body of believers. We are dedicated to the total ministry of the church and gladly work in support of the leadership of IPC. We are not program or personality driven. We are guided in what we do by scriptural principles that speak to the role of women in the church. Our earnest desire is to fulfill God’s design for us and his church.
Have you found your niche in our Women of the Church ministry? We are not complete without everyone’s participation!

Ongoing women programs
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
We meet weekly through the academic school year on Tuesdays for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Nursery is available.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
The Wednesday evening group is available for those who are unable to come during the day on Tuesdays. The study is the same as Tuesday mornings, with similar format. Nursery is not available on Wednesday evenings.
Monthly Circles
Annual Events and Opportunities
Our Circles are groups of women meeting once a month, usually in ladies' homes or at a restaurant on a Thursday.
There are annual events which take place such as a Women's Conference, ladies bruncheon during the Missions Conference, Annual Kick-Off generally in the early autumn. There are opportunities throughout the year for every lady to be involved for example: bringing meals to new moms, providing treats for our college students, or helping with Operation Christmas Child.
WOC Gather to Pray
All women are invited to join us on Tuesday mornings either in Pooler at 8:30 AM (Three Tree Coffee) or downtown at 9:30 AM (at IPC). Contact Barbara Rustine for details about the Pooler meeting. Contact Linda DePue or Emi Steward with questions about the downtown meeting. These ladies information can be found in your online directory, Realm.