Welcome to IPC Youth & Family Ministries under the direction of our assistant minister Alex Sutherland. The following valuable links will share with you more about our ministry to your Middle and High school-aged children:
Youth Calendar
Small Groups
Recommended Reading
Mission Savannah
Medical Release Form
Student Ministry Programs
Sunday School
Join us in the Whitaker Building for a lesson. High school Sunday school takes place on the 3rd floor, middle school on the second floor.
Join us in the Whitaker Building for a lesson. High school Sunday school takes place on the 3rd floor, middle school on the second floor.
Sunday Evenings
6:40pm - 8:00pm
Join us in Telfair Hall after getting food in the Fellowship Hall and then we will make our way to high school small groups or separate middle school activities.
6:40pm - 8:00pm
Join us in Telfair Hall after getting food in the Fellowship Hall and then we will make our way to high school small groups or separate middle school activities.
We enjoy supper together in the Fellowship Hall then meet on the 3rd Floor of the Whitaker Building. This is for high school students only.

In January, our Student Ministry participates in a trip to Covenant College (selected grades) or we attend the March for Life event in Washington, DC.

Our Annual Winter Retreat for High School students.

Our Summer Middle School retreat.
Weekly Bible Study & Fellowship on Wednesday evenings. Pool parties. Point Pleasant. Weekly prayer breakfasts.
Child & Youth Protection policy
In the Fall of 2018, the Session adopted a Child and Youth Policy. You may read more about at the link below.