2025 world
missions Conference
Our 2025 World Missions Conference will be held this February 27 - March 2. All programs take place at our downtown campus. Details about this year's conference including speakers, programs, meals, registration can be accessed at the link below.

Independent Presbyterian Church has had a rich heritage of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through the starting of new churches, first in Savannah and more recently in the surrounding suburbs and other key metropolitan areas throughout the United States. The first Savannah church plant was in 1868, which became Hull Memorial Church. In 1913 I.P.C. planted Eastern Heights Presbyterian Church (then located at 39th Street and East Broad). This was followed by Montgomery Presbyterian, Chapel-in-the-Gardens, John Knox, and Skidaway Island (now Community) Presbyterian churches.
The heritage of building the body of Christ by starting and supporting new churches continues as I.P.C. has undertaken through Mission to North America of the Presbyterian Church in America (P.C.A.) the major financial support of church plants in St. Simons Island, GA; Overland Park, (Kansas City Suburb), KS; Greenwich Village, NY; Wilmington Island, and most recently, Athens, GA. Supplemental support has been provided for church plants in Exeter, NH, and Concord, MA.
Some plant, others water, but only God provides the growth. You can observe that God has truly given the growth; we praise Him.
The heritage of building the body of Christ by starting and supporting new churches continues as I.P.C. has undertaken through Mission to North America of the Presbyterian Church in America (P.C.A.) the major financial support of church plants in St. Simons Island, GA; Overland Park, (Kansas City Suburb), KS; Greenwich Village, NY; Wilmington Island, and most recently, Athens, GA. Supplemental support has been provided for church plants in Exeter, NH, and Concord, MA.
Some plant, others water, but only God provides the growth. You can observe that God has truly given the growth; we praise Him.
Funding properties
- National (including “local”) and foreign missions should be funded at a ratio of 50/50. REASON: The erosion of the home base of the Presbyterian Church, evidenced by declining numbers and giving over the past 20 years, requires a refocusing upon home missions.
- Church planting, both at home and overseas, should occupy 2/3 of our giving. REASON: the church is the only institution upon which Christ has placed His name and the only one to which He promises success – “I will build My church.” The church is the primary agency through which the world will be evangelized.
- Benevolences, as a whole, should constitute at least 25% of the total income of the church.