2024 Fall Sunday School Quarter


Teacher:  John Breckenridge  Age: 70's+  Room: 1st Floor, Whitaker Bldg.  Subject: "Study of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis"
This term we will study C.S. Lewis' classic work Mere Christianity, which has been termed by some as perhaps the most important book of the twentieth century. This book contains the arguments of a late convert to Christ who tells the story of how only Christianity can explain the purpose of man, and what he must do with the Lord Jesus who has drawn near to his creation.


Teacher: Jeff Sutton  Age: Late 50's to 60's  Room: 2nd Floor, Whitaker Bldg.  Subject: "The Character of the Risen Christ"
Ask yourself: "Is the Risen Christ's compassion and pity the same as it was on earth?" "Is he still as meek, as gentle, as willing to help, as tender in his affections as he was on earth?" "How does his lowliness cohere with his transcendance?" This class will ask these questions and more as we walk through Puritan Thomas Goodwin's writings and Dane Ortlund's book, Gentle and Lowly.


Teacher: Tim Shaw  Age:  40's and 50's  Room: 3rd Floor, Whitaker Bldg.  Subject: "1 Samuel, the Rise of David and Fall of Saul"
What are we to learn from the examples of David, Jonathan, and Saul? What are their stories recorded for? What are we meant to glean?


Teacher: Bob Ellis  Age:  30's and 40's  Room: 4th Floor, Whitaker Bldg.  Subject: "The Doctrine of Scripture"
"Oh, how I love Your law." Eleven times the writer of Psalm 119 speaks of loving the Scriptures. Why should we love the Scriptures, and why do we need to be told? How do we go about loving the Scriptures? What do we do with the portions of Scripture difficult for us to love or even read? In this class, we will have the Bible answer these questions itself.

New Covenant

Teacher: Matthew Burt Age: 20's and 30's  Room: #30, 3rd Floor Axson Bldg.  Subject: "Hebrews 12: Running Like a Hall of Famer"
After his catalogue of the inductees of "Faith's Hall of Fame," the pastor/author of Hebrews encourages his readers to "run with endurance the race that is set before us." He then follows his exhortation with several truths that will help us to finish the race successfully. This class will work through Hebrews 12, preparing us to run with joy, encouraging us to persevere in our running, and giving us a clear picture of the great reward awaiting us as we cross the finish line.


Teacher: Matthew Mullininx  Age: 20's  Room: #31, 3rd Floor Axson Bldg.  Subject: "The Doctrine of God and the Doctrine of Man"
We will study who God is as he has revealed himself through his incommunicable and communicable attributes. We will then see how we as his image bearers were created to live in light of who God is and what it means to be human.


Teacher: Evan Gear  Age: Undergraduate  Room: Parlor, Hull Street Bldg.  Subject: "Study of Proverbs 1-9, The Beginning of Wisdom"
Most of us are familiar with the Proverb, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. But how do we know fear such as our own? How might we begin to know wisdom? I believe the answer to both these questions can be found in the opening chapters of the book of Proverbs. Come and study with us and learn to fear and so know an entry into the path of the wise.

High School

Teacher: Alex Sutherland  Age: 9th-12th Grade  Room: 3rd Floor, Hull Street Bldg.  Subject: "Why We Do What We Do"
As a church that believes the Bible and holds to the historic Christian faith, there is much that we have in common every true Christian church. Yet, as Reformed and Presbyterian Christians, there are also things that we believe and practice that are distinct from other churches. We have a Reformed piety, in other words, a particular view of the Christian life and the ministry of the church. This fall, we will discuss the reasons why we do what we do as a church and in our Christian lives. We will discuss things like why we have evening worship, why we sing Psalms, why we sanctify the Lord's Day, etc. We will seek to do this with the goal of showing why these things are important and why they should be convictions we hold dear all of our lives.

Middle School

Teacher: Ben Field  Age: 6th-8th Grade  Room: 2nd Floor, Hull Street Bldg.  Subject: "The Apostles' Creed"
The Apostles' Creed is a historic and simple creed which Christians for thousands of years have confessed. This short summary of the Christian faith gives us rich and deep introduction to what we believe as Christians. This fall, Ben Field will teach through the Apostles' Creed for our middle schoolers that they might have a better understanding of what we confess Lord's Day after Lord's Day.

Children's Sunday School

Pre-Kindergarten: (Room 10, Axson Bldg., 1st Floor) "God Created All Things: Discover the Creator through His Word and His Creation"- Mrs. Amy Orellana & Mrs. Venessa Shields

(Room 11, Axson Bldg., 1st Floor) "God Created All Things: Discover the Creator through His Word and His Creation"- Mrs. Winn Morgan & Mrs. Temple Fennell

1st/2nd Grade: 
(Room 33, Axson Bldg., 3rd Floor) "Living Together: God and His People - Stories from Genesis" - Mrs. Nikki Gergacs & Mrs. Beth Oliver

3rd/4th Grade: 
(Room 32, Axson Bldg., 3rd Floor) "Worshiping God: The Joys and Duties of Worship" - Mr. and Mrs. Roy & Ginger Thompson

5th Grade: 
(Room 36, Axson Bldg., 3rd Floor) "Exodus to Ruth: The Redemptive Acts of God in Dealing with His Covenant People" - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth & Sarah Crowe