IPC Day Camp Registration Opens February 3

2023 Spring Sunday School Quarter


Teacher: Will Keyton  Age: 70's+ Room: Garmer Room (Axson, 3rd Floor)
Subject: "Christ Through the Ages"
John 17:3 tells us that eternal life is to know God and Jesus Christ, whom he sent. This then begs the question, who is Jesus Christ? How do we biblically think about who he is? What are good and bad answers to this question? This Sunday school series will explore how the church has wrestled throughout the ages with how we understand the person of Christ and how this impacts the Christian life.


Teacher: Bob Ellis  Age: Late 50's to 60's  Room: Agape Room (Axson, 3rd Floor)
Subject: "To Tell Time"
The world propagates distorted history, promotes "right now" self-indulgence, and predicts a human-determined choice between disaster and utopia. "Teach us to number our days!" We need the Lord to teach us how to tell time. This class will examine timely texts to help make us more biblical in our view of past, present, and future.


Teacher: Jacob Fuhrman  Age: 40's and 50's  Room: Emmaus Room (Admin. Bldg., 2nd Floor)
Subject: "Hymns and Psalms"
Have you ever wondered how our hymns and metrical Psalms came into being? There's no better way to learn than by doing: we'll spend about eight weeks working through the process of putting a Psalm into meter and rhyme, then conclude the quarter by reflecting on what the experience taught us, what questions it raises, and how it can help us sing with better understanding,


Teacher: Tim Shaw  Age: 30's and 40's Room: Berean Room (Axson, 3rd Floor)
Subject: "1 Samuel"
Israel is a mess following the time of the Judges. But there is hope with the rise of King Saul! But we know the story-- what can we learn from his rise and fall, and from the rise of the king after God's own heart, David!? Come discuss with us as we come to the second half of 1 Samuel.

New Covenant

Teacher: Oli Simmons  Age: mid-20's to 30's  Room: Whitaker Bldg., 4th Floor
Subject: Elect Exiles: 1 Peter
Sojourners and strangers in a foreign land, chosen by God but disdained by the world - an apt description of early believers in Asia Minor and no less true of Savannahian Christians today. Let's hear God's Word speak loud and clear through this ancient epistle into our very own lives.


Teacher: Evan Gear  Age: Undergraduate  Room: Admin Bldg. 2nd Floor, Corner Room overlooking Chippewa Square
Subject: "The Christian Sabbath"
Sunday. It is a special day for us, but why? What are its origins? What does it have to do with the Jewish Sabbath? What can we learn about time, the church, and ourselves by studying this day? Come and let us set our thoughts on the Lord's Day as we answer these questions and more over the next few weeks.

High School

Teacher: Paul Rodgers  Age: 9th-12th Grade  Room: Whitaker Bldg., 3rd Floor

Middle School

Teacher: Jody Robinson  Age: 6th-8th Grade  Room: Whitaker Bldg., 2nd Floor

Children's Sunday School

  • PreK: (Axson Bldg., 1st Floor) "Jesus Is God" with Mrs. Winn Morgan and Mrs. Abby Blevins
  • Kindergarten: (Axson Bldg., 1st Floor) "Jesus Is God" with Miss Linden Helmly and Mrs. Sue Hinely
  • 1st and 2nd Grade: (Whitaker Bldg., 1st Floor) "Serving God" with Mrs. Barbara Rustine and Mrs. Rachel Carpenter
  • 3rd and 4th Grade: (Whitaker Bldg., 1st Floor) "God's Growing Church" with Mr. Garry and Mrs. Jamie McKee
  • 5th Grade: (Whitaker Bldg., 2nd Floor) "Job - Malachi Survey" with Mrs. Regine Burt and Mrs. Linda DePue