Spring 2025 Sunday School Classes


Teacher: Tim Shaw  Age: 70s+  Room:  1st Floor - Whitaker  Subject: "1 Samuel"
What are we to learn from the examples of David, Jonathan, and Saul? What are their stories recorded for? What are we meant to glean?


Teacher: John Breckenridge Age: 60s Room:  2nd Floor - Whitaker  Subject: "Schaeffer"
Francis Schaeffer was arguably the most influential Reformed theologian of the 20th century. Since his death in 1984, his writings and perspective have become even more relevant, as the world has fallen further into the grip of relativism and godless humanism. Be encouraged as we review excerpts from Schaeffer's classic works: The God Who is There, Escape from Reason and He Is There and He Is Not Silent, and see how our Christian faith is grounded in truth and how the Gospel is the only answer for what ails humanity.


Teacher: Bruce Willson  Age: 50s  Room: 3rd Floor - Whitaker Subject: "Covenant"
 Come and join the Emmaus Class this Quarter as we explore the Scriptural concept of “Covenant.”  We will try to answer questions such as:  What is a Biblical covenant? Are there more than one and if so, what are they?  Where in the Scriptures are they found? How do they apply to me?  Somone has stated, “We don’t talk a lot about covenants today. But we should. They’re one of the most important themes in the Bible because they act as the skeletons upon which the entire redemptive story is built.” Considering this statement, how can we NOT study Biblical covenants?


Teacher: Evan Gear  Age: 40s  Room: 4th Floor - Whitaker Subject: "The Old by the New Revealed"
There are many places in the New Testament where the inspired writers quote from the Old Testaments Scriptures. All of them are useful in helping us to read the Bible as a unified whole. In our study, we will focus our attention on one chapter in Romans where Paul repeatedly turns to the Old Testament to make his case. By my count, the apostle quotes from the Law and the Prophets 11 different times in Romans chapter 9. Each quotation is instructive both for his argument and for our reading of the Old Testament. Together we will sit at the apostle's feet and learn from him how the Holy Spirit interprets his own words and, hopefully, we will gain a greater understanding of the Scriptures.

New Covenant

Teacher: David Gobel  Age: 30s  Room: #30 - 3rd Floor Axson  Subject: "The City and Scripture"
The seventeenth-century English poet, Abraham Cowley, once noted that, “God the first garden made, and the first city Cain.” The city has long been viewed with great suspicion by Christians and yet we know that Lord is preparing an eternal city for his redeemed people. Even now, we are citizens of a city, “whose designer and builder is God.” How then should we, as citizens of the City of God, view the cities of this earth? This class will investigate this perennial question by examining Bible passages that concern cities from Genesis to Revelation.


Teacher: Ben Field  Age: 20s  Room: #31 - 3rd Floor Axson Subject: "Jeremiah"
Few biblical characters were given more challenging missions than Jeremiah, and this quarter, we’ll look at the highs and lows of his life and message. For over four decades, Jeremiah stood as a lone minister of the Lord during Judah’s darkest days. From oracles of destruction and exile to promises of a new covenant and a branch of David, the book of Jeremiah plays a central role in our understanding of both God’s wrath and His mercy.


Teacher:  David Lantinga  Age: Undergraduate  Room: Parlor - Hull Street Building  Subject: "Ecclesiastes"
We will study the book of Ecclesiastes, looking at how the author demonstrates the futility of the world and worldliness and thus implicitly directs us to look for meaning in God rather than in the world.

High School

Teacher:  Kenneth Crowe Age: 9th-12th Grade  Room: 3rd Floor, Hull Street Building Subject: "The Doctrine of Scripture"

Middle School

Teacher: Alex Sutherland Age: 6th-8th Grade  Room: 2nd Floor, Hull Street Building  Subject: "How to Pray"

Children's Sunday School

Pre-Kindergarten: (Axson Building, Room 10) "Jesus Is the Savior: Jesus Was Sent Because of God's Great Love" with Mrs. Laura Kate Mathews and Mrs. Andrea Tanner

Kindergarten: (Axson Building, Room 11) "Jesus Is the Savior: Jesus Was Sent Because of God's Great Love" with Mrs. Abby Blevins and Mrs. Lauren Kenard

1st/2nd Grade: (Axson Building, Room 33) "Studying God’s Word: The Bible as God’s Word and Its Place in our Lives" with Mrs. Abigail Shaw and Mrs. Sarah Crowe

3rd/4th Grade: (Axson Building, Room 32) "Telling Others: Stories from Acts" with Mr. and Mrs. Ken and Tracy Wood

5th Grade: (Axson Building, Room 36) "Job to Malachi: Songs, Proverbs and Prophets" with Mr. and Mrs. David and Rose Wade